Switzerland'sSIX Digital Exchange (SDX), the world's first fully regulated digital securitiesFinancial Markets Infrastructure (FMI), and Aktionariat, one of the leading technologyproviders for digitized private shares in Switzerland, have announced apartnership aimed at further developing the digital ecosystem for issuers andinstitutional investors.
SIXDigital Exchange and Aktionariat will partner to tackle one of the biggestchallenges that growing companies face - access to capital. One of the keysuccess factors for raising capital is access to a broad investor base. As aresult of this partnership, companies issuing shares through Aktionariat’s technologywill be able to register digital securities seamlessly in SDX’s regulatedCentral Securities Depository (CSD). By being able to offer a wider range ofcustody options, companies can expand their addressable investor base.
“As part of the growing SIX Digital Exchange ecosystemfor private companies, we welcome this partnership with Aktionariat to helpentrepreneurs access a wider investor base, make their securities bankable andmake their funding journey more efficient” says Massimo Butti, Head of Equityat SIX Digital Exchange.
“The partnership with SIX Digital Exchangeopens a path for making tokens issued with Aktionariat bankable. SDX is deeplyrooted in the Swiss financial markets and brings strong expertise when it comesto organizing efficient and accessible securities exchanges. This complementsAktionariat’s know-how in decentralized finance and open blockchain technologyvery well”, says Nicola Plain, CEO of Aktionariat.
About SDX
SDX is licensed bySwitzerland’s financial market regulator, FINMA, to operate an Exchange and aCentral Securities Depository (CSD). SDX offers issuance, listing, trading,settlement, servicing, and custody of digital securities.
SDX is committed toworking with partners, members, and clients to promote and build a new marketstructure for digital assets globally.
About Aktionariat
Until now, directinvestments in private companies were reserved for institutional investors andhigh net-worth individuals. We are changing that. With Aktionariat, anyone caninvest in non-listed Swiss companies. Aktionariat AG offers a solution forcontinuous fundraising, straightforward employee participation, and activecommunity involvement (stakeholder engagement). This solution consists of atoolset that leverages blockchain technology and the Swiss DLT law. Relying onthe Blockchain not only helps to simplify the secure transfer of securities butcan render intermediaries obsolete. This leads to reduced cost of capital aswell as greater operational independence.
Market, Widgets andDashboard
Aktionariattokenizes shares, enables the creation of an automated market for these sharesand offers widgets that visualize market activity. The entire offering iscomplemented by a legal framework (from LEXR) and a dashboard that allowscompanies to always keep track of their own stock market as well as marketparticipants and their transactions.
About SIX
SIX operates and develops infrastructure services for theSwiss and Spanish Stock Exchanges, for the digital and Crypto ecosystems, forPost-Trade Services, Banking Services and Financial Information with the aim ofraising efficiency, quality, and innovative capacity across the entire valuechain of the Swiss financial center. The company is owned by its users (122banks). With a workforce of some 3,200 employees and a presence in 20countries, it generated operating income of CHF 1.13 billion and Group net profitof CHF 120.5 million in 2019.