Rüedu brings fresh and regional food directly from the producer to your neighbourhood - at any time of day or night. The goods on offer are traded fairly, sustainably and in partnership and brought to you in the neighbourhood. Just as the claim summarises: "Your farm shop in the neighbourhood". Tom Winter and Jürg Burri are behind the idea.
Rüedu has started their crowdinvesting campaign! In this regard, we talked to Jürg Burri, the CEO of Rüedu, about their business and future plans.
Hello, Jürg! What a journey is ahead of you! We are looking forward to hearing from you about your company. What is the problem your team is solving?
The Swiss food market is growing. Current megatrends are influencing eating and shopping behaviour. This is Rüedu's opportunity: we are eating locally, sustainably and healthily more often. The traditional weekly shop is being supplemented by daily shopping for fresh produce. Petrol station shops, farm shops and 24/7 self-checkout formats are booming. Consumers still want to make physical choices, but don't want to travel long distances.
Have you found a solution to this problem?
Yes, we bring fresh and local food back to Bern's neighbourhoods and the agglomeration. How do we do it? With our 24/7 self-checkout farm shops. These are very flexible and incomparably low in terms of rent, staff costs and fixed investments. They also offer Bern's agricultural sector and local producers an efficient and economical platform for marketing their food as directly as possible.
How do you want to earn money?
By selling regional and seasonal products that are produced directly by the farm or producer.
Which market are you targeting?
We are active in the food sector/direct marketing. We source our products directly from producers or farms and sell them in our farm shops in the city of Bern and the surrounding area.
Who are your competitors?
Our competitors include retailers (Coop, Migros, VOI, Volg, etc.), petrol stations, farm shops, specialist retailers or similar.
What have you achieved to date?
In the last 3.5 years, we have opened 26 locations in the canton of Berne.
And what are your plans for the future?
By 2029, we plan to have established around 50 locations in the canton of Berne.
A good team is probably the most important asset of any company. Please tell us something about your team.
The Rüedu team in Bern currently consists of 21 people. They cover everything from merchandise management to purchasing, project management, accounting, administration and marketing. Our team is very diverse and varied. We have a wide range of perspectives and offer a great workplace in a start-up company.
How much money do you intend to raise and how will you use the funds?
The aim is to raise 1.6 million francs by 31 December 2024. The money will be used to open new locations, develop and expand the product range, expand logistics, refrigerated areas and operating resources, develop new offers and various marketing measures.
What need is satisfied by the Aktionariat solution?
The purchase and simple processing of tokenized shares. The Aktionariat Portfolio App also enables clear and simple handling of the purchased shares.
Which offer will you introduce in your company?
The Full Market Package
Why did you decide to make your shares available to the public?
Our shares are publicly accessible because we want to offer as many potential investors as possible the opportunity to participate in Rüedu.
Why would you recommend Aktionariat to other start-ups and SMEs?
Easy handling and helpful team.
If you want to learn more about Rüedu Bern AG, feel free to visit their investor relations page.